
Yo, ho... Let's Walk Some More!

To the left, a  Classic Prop from Tracey: "Wine Cellar"  stunt  which has fake wine flowing upwards from a keg into the drunks mug!  This is the Trimper's Prop.

And below it, Prop Number 41 from the Tracey Catalog.  Cool. Huh, Mate?




Here on the left is one sorry Pirate, poor guy is locked up in the Gallows! On the right is a hallway, dark,  complete with a "Spinning Illusion Barrel" on the end. Don't "Heave Overboard"!


Well, well, your education continues: What can you do with Catalog Prop number 28 yee may ask ya' shifty deckhand? Take a look to the left.  Bend the frame, change the hat, push in the face and fast as lighting a Cannon, the "Cowboy Skeleton" turns into a "Pirate".  (complete with the now  Token Rum Bottle!)


Here is yet another example of how attention to details brings out the best in a walkthrough, ALA Bill Tracey Style! A few pieces of drift wood painted in day glow colors add to the mystic of walking down dark hallways.


So ya' scurvy scoundrel, how many times have you seen prop number 18 in a Walkthrough or Dark Ride?!?  Probably as many times as I've passed out on deck mate!  The famous Tracey head, Pirates Cove to the left, catalog page to the right,  with or without the water fall effect, can still be seen in several attractions.


To the left, a fine surprise with a lost soul's head popping up, to the right, a former Captain who went down with his ship! I bet he's still trying to set sail for the seven seas, do ya' want to join his crew?

SAIL ON! to page 3


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